Leadership Experience
Circle of Leadership Academy. For Native tribal members only. Interact and share
commonalities, identify issues and brainstorm for solutions.
Z Smith Reynolds, Community Leadership Council. Interact with representatives who
serve in various leadership roles across the state of North Carolina. Assisted with the
development of a new strategic focus for ZSR.
NC Food System Resiliency. Focus group. Work with representatives from across NC
who focus on increasing access to healthy food systems for residents. Work included,
defining “food systems,” explore and evaluate food production, value chain, and the
social, environmental, economic and political elements that combine to give food systems
their shape.
NC Native Leadership Initiative. For member of native tribes in NC. Interact and share
commonalities, learn skills to address issues and develop solutions to improve services
and access to native cultural programming.
NC Rural Center. Homegrown Leaders. Homegrown Leaders is a three-day regional leadership and community economic development training that equips existing and emerging leaders with the skills they need to lead long-term economic advancement in their community and region
NC Rural Center. Homegrown Leaders. Homegrown Leaders is a three-day regional
leadership and community economic development training that equips existing and
emerging leaders with the skills they need to lead long-term economic advancement in
their community and region.
Honoring Long Man (Ganvhidv Asgaya). A cultural-oriented river cleanup I launched in
the fall of 2021. It has increased awareness and community buy-in among the Cherokee
communities, tribal government, and nonprofit partners.